When dealing with mixed number, mixed fraction calculator is your number one helper. Adding and subtracting mixed number is confusing. Multiplying and dividing it is hard. Unless you got the gift of scientific mind, you need calculator to make sure you will get the correct computation during the mathematical operation with mixed fractions. Here we have presented you a mixed fraction calculator. You can use this anytime you need.
Well, you got a lot of choices to make yourself a master of mixed fraction calculation. But it involves a lot of studying and practices. Time is one of our valuable assets but if you have it why not use it in your mastery of mixed fraction calculation. How to use your time wisely to master mixed fraction calculation? We can start it daily for three months. Prepare a white board in your room, eraser, and white board marker. Every morning you have to solve atleast one mathematical fraction operation but we have to do it in five days for every operation. So for the first five days, you have to practice addition of mixed numbers. In six to ten days, you practice subtraction of mixed fraction. In eleven to 15 days, you do the multiplication practice and in the sixteenth to twentieth days, you practice division. The rest of the month which is ten days, you will dedicate yourself in practicing with the combination of all the basic mathematical operation with mixed fractions. Then you will repeat this whole process in the second month and then in the third month. This maybe hard at first but once you started doing this, you will find it easier. The main purpose of this practice is to make your brain muscles not only familiarized but also to make all the mathematical fraction operations imprinted in it so that it can work automatically. When your brain can automatically process the mathematical operation of mixed fractions, you now reached the point of mastery. This is what every mathematician dream of achieving.
We all know that mixed fraction was already taught at elementary level and was again taught in secondary level. I myself knew this because I also struggled to learn. But as I recall, I tried practicing it diligently and by the moment all the fraction operation rules was imprinted on my brain, I never had a problem of it anymore. Almost 30 years already passed since high school and still I have no problem with fraction computation. I can say it is worthwhile to practice and follow the procedures above because once you learned it, you will never forget and it is very useful in you daily office or business life.
Not a lot of people can master the operation of mixed fractions while there are only few who can do this to the point of perfection. In reality, a lot of people struggled to do fraction calculations especially with mixed number. That is why we make this tool, this mixed fraction calculator, to help those people who struggled helplessly trying to do the mixed fraction calculation. The important feature of this calculator is it will show you the step by step procedures on how the fraction operation was computed. So when you are practicing and might have some confusion, you can try this calculator so that you can point out where you have made mistake and then learn from it.